Choose a inquiring if desired, select a suitable from down below and fill out the form. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
Transport services
If you order more than once a week, ask for an account and use a self-service that is significantly more convenient and functional than an electronic order from a website.
Warehouse services
We offer warehousing, terminal and additional services in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Jõhvi.
Please send the information as accurate as possible in order to avoid any future misunderstandings in price.
This order will be sent to Kaubaekspress employee who will respond to your inquiry or add an order in the transport management system which will manage the planned pick up and distribution transport.
From this page you can send a inquiry for a storage cost.
Please send the information as accurate as possible in order to avoid any future misunderstandings about pricing.
This information will be sent to Kaubaekspress employee who will respond to your inquiry.